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COVID is an Accelerant

Dave Will
May 3, 2024

COVID is making everything happen faster.

If your marriage is bad, COVID made it worse. If you thrive on innovation and change, COVID likely made you stronger. And on the contrary, if your business model is stiff and slowing, COVID probably shut you down.

I could keep going, but the one I'd like to focus on is this: If you're digitally strong, COVID made you stronger.

E-commerce has grown 1% per year for the past several years totaling 18% in retail sales. In the first 12 weeks of the pandemic, e-commerce has jumped to 28% of total retail sales. We've accelerated e-commerce a decade in 12 weeks.

The same is true with our ability to work remotely or meet virtually. Finally, the laggards have been thrust into the digital age. The cancellation of conferences has forced us to embrace the virtual events, something that's been brewing for the last 20 years.

Regardless of whether or not you enjoyed the acceleration into digital, if you're getting this email, you're still working, which means you made it so far.

SO what's changed? Certainly events have gone virtual, and while some organizations have stopped there, the more progressive organizations are thinking about how they can utilize tech to improve their relationships with their members, to create more relevance, and to become more fiscally sound.

What is working? What do you think you'll keep doing months after the vaccine? And what will go back to the norm? (click to answer)

Tell me your thoughts. If you answer, you'll receive a summary of the responses.

PropFuel is a way to understand your member needs in context to the member journey and provide immediate action to service them. THIS is innovation in member engagement. This goes far beyond the level of marketing most organizations are doing today.

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